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Yesterday’s Content Release
By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
Yesterday’s Content Release
What Should You Do If You Don’t Hear Back After Submitting Your Resume?
I was on the receiving end of a lot of these phone calls what I worked in recruiting. Almost all the time I hated receiving them… But if you are okay.
My New Boss Thinks My Team Is Great. They Aren’t.
The situation is that someone took over a C-suite role with a firm from his boss who held it temporarily. His boss thinks the people are terrific. They are good, not great. How do I handle this with him?
What Recruiters Know That You Don’t: Job Descriptions Are Inaccurate
Having interviewed many HR people for on YouTube, all laughed when I said that job descriptions are 80% accurate.
I also released a new video podcast on Spotify and elsewhere called, “Making Yourself Desirable to Employers”
EP 2623 The idea of making yourself desirable to employers is a way to think differently than many job hunters approach finding…