Member-only story
Tolerating BS | Career Angles
I used to be an executive recruiter. Everyone lied to me.
Candidates lied to me to create a positive impression so I represent them.
Institutional customers would lie to me about the status of the search so I would continue to work for them.
My coworkers lied to me as well.
I’m sure many times I lied to the people I was representing, too, to cover up for my institutional client and my coworkers and string them along.
I did because I was afraid.
I was afraid to annoy the candidate who might be placeable and help me earn a fee.
I was afraid to annoy the institutional customer who hired me and was, hopefully, going to pay me that fee.
I was afraid to annoy my coworker who might have a candidate for one of my clients or a client for one of my candidates who they wouldn’t represent because they were angry at me.
Fear is the predicate for any compromise of integrity.
I knew at the right thing was and made the mistake of tolerating the BS from everyone.
Don’t get me wrong. I earned a great living for many years and people trusted me.
And I made a mistake and should’ve done it differently.