We get what we deserve in politics. Journalists ask questions that elicit sound bite answers and applause but no details. Just like the politician who says he will cut costs by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse, no details are offered as to where they will find it.
When I started to receive Medicare, there was a lot I did not know, there was a lot I needed to learn just at the time I had to make a decision, now, Americans will be going into an insurance decision with few details to make their choice.
For example, most Americans don’t know that Medicare pays 80% leaving an individual to pay the other 20%. Is that your plan?
Most candidates acknowledge that taxes will go up under Medicare for all but that it will be less than what they are paying now. How much will taxes go up under their plan. Give Americans the numbers so they can make an informed decision and can compare it with what they pay now.
As it stands now, employer healthcare pays most of the cost of health insurance. How much will they pay or is this a boon to business because they will pay nothing?
Will supplemental insurance be offered or will this be folded into the cost to bring it up to 100% coverage. What will that cost?
Over 2 million people currently work in the health insurance industry. What happens to them under your plan? Will you offer training and will you budget for that?
Will this be offered to current Medicare recipients. Will it change their cost of coverage?
No one has asked these questions of the candidates and none, to my knowledge, has shared answers to these questions yet. Wouldn’t you like to know so you can make an informed decision?