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It’s No Big Deal |
All of us tend to have an exaggerated view of what leadership is.
We tend to think of it is big and dramatic, rather than what it really is — a person who places themselves in the position where they help themselves and everyone move ahead in some way.
Notice I didn’t say change the world.
Notice I didn’t say create a product or service that generates $2 billion in sales.
Leadership is what we do the effects others positively . . . Or negatively. Negative leadership refers to bad leadership.
I’ve been participating in a trial for a service that a friend of mine has created. He shared a small TedX talk from a man who said and did something that affected the student at the school he worked at. He didn’t know that he was a consequential person to them until she told him years later.
That was leadership.
He said something simple that touched someone deeply.
There are many opportunities in the day to practice this form of leadership.
Remember, it doesn’t have to be dramatic.
It doesn’t have to take a lot of time.
It needs to be honest and connect.