How To Avoid Age Bias In Your Job Search

Jeff Altman
6 min readMay 17, 2022

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Age bias is real, but it doesn’t have to be your reality. In today’s job market, it’s common for older workers to feel like their age is a major roadblock to finding new opportunities. Many older job seekers are afraid that potential employers will see their age as a negative rather than a positive asset. However, it’s important not to let that fear hinder your search. If you want to avoid age bias in your job search and continue battling the interview process with confidence, follow these tips:

Stay positive

It’s true that there has been an increase in age discrimination in recent years. However, age bias is not something you have any control over, so it’s important to stay positive regardless. If a recruiter or hiring manager senses you’re ashamed of your age, they may be more likely to use your age as an excuse to turn you down. Stay positive, stay confident, and stay focused on what you can offer an employer, not just what an employer can offer you.

Don’t be ashamed of your age



Jeff Altman

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter. Career Coach. Host of No BS Job Search Advice Radio & Join JobSearch.Community. It will help you