Member-only story
Gentleness | Career Angles
By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
There is an old Iroquois saying, “The greatest strength is gentleness.” It takes a strong person to be gentle. A strong leader is the one with the courage to be pause, to reflect, to listen, to love and to empathize — in other words, to be gentle. Are you gentle?”
Spririt@Work is an app developed by Dr. Lance Secretan. Each day, you open your iPhone and the app, shake your phone, and it deals a card to you. Tap on the card, and you receive a message as a theme for the day.
Today, mine was gentleness.
It asked, “Are you gentle.”
In my life, both professional and personal, I am both gentle and tough.
I tap into the ability to listen to both what is said and unsaid.
I notice things.
I pay attention.
I care.
Then, when something happens that causes fear to arise, my back bristles, and my humanity is blocked. I become tough and harsh.
Does that ever happen to you?
At those times, it is hard to take a deep breath and empathize with anyone. My mind is activated to action, and I find it hard to listen.