Member-only story
Empathy | Career Angles
By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
“To be a friend, we must walk in the moccasins of others, because in order to understand others we must relate as well with their hearts as we do with their minds. How can you be more empathetic?
To be a friend.
Being a friend means more than being a client or colleague to me.
There is a feeling of care that I experience when someone is a friend.
I care about the people I coach.
I want them to be successful and move forward. I opened my heart to them because they matter.
As I read the empathy card in the Soul@Work app (iPhone), I guess the key is to open my heart and not just my head.
When I open my heart, we form a relationship with one another.
When I open my heart, I relate better to others and they trust me even more.
Is that true of you, too?
I noticed this morning in a pre-interview I did for someone else’s podcast the feeling of surprise the host had seeing an older man in front of him on the screen.
It was all business and minimal relationship during this pre-interview.