Member-only story
Cause | Career Angles
I think I’ve mentioned before an iPhone app called, “Spirit@Work cards” developed by Lance Secretan. When you open the app, there are, I think, 77 “cards” in the app. You shake your phone and the app delivers a card to you.
The card that was delivered to me today was, “Cause.”
“The greatest leaders in history also a beacon beckoning to them from the future — a cause. They had a clear vision of the world they sought to create, and a burning passion to bring that world into existence. What is your cause?
Mine is to create an inspired world through bold and blessing leadership. Although many people come to me for tactical advice, where I shine is by helping people look at the bigger picture, particularly at work.
The cause I seek to achieve is a world where people are no longer doing graduate work but work that feeds the soul and not just simply mindless repetitive work that doesn’t excite them.
What kind of work do you do?
Are you excited by it? Are you doing it just to receive a check?
I like receiving payment for what I do but I get excited when I see people’s eyes light up they can see their future and how to get there.
Working with people like that is a cause that I get excited about. I know I’ve had an impact on people’s…