Career Coach Office Hours: February 6, 2024

Jeff Altman
3 min readFeb 9, 2024

I answered questions about #jobsearch. You can also message me on Linkedin before the show and I will answer it, too.

00:00 Intro and the hiccup

01:38 The return of #opentowork and the jobs report

06:51 It is said that ‘Writing’ is the most important yet Underrated skill of the century so I want to know how to learn it effectively? How it impacts our career & any mentors or books that could shed some light on it?

08:54 Could you work two jobs for a company at the same time?

12:40 What is the minimum amount of time you should know someone before asking for a job reference?

14:09 What does it mean if your job application is flagged as “too many applications”?

16:26 Can you re-apply at jobs after they’ve rejected your application but had reposted a position?

19:35 Why do recruiters sometimes reject candidates without informing them about their decision, even after thoroughly reviewing their applications and profiles?



Jeff Altman

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter. Career Coach. Host of No BS Job Search Advice Radio & Join JobSearch.Community. It will help you