Member-only story
By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
I worked as a recruiter for more than 40 years before becoming a career and leadership coach. When I started with my first firm, I was mentored by a much more experienced recruiter, Tom, who was assigned to me and two other trainees to guide us during the early stages of our new careers.
“OK,” he began. “How can you tell when an applicant is lying to you?”
“He won’t look you in the eye,” Bob said.
“His nostrils will flair a little bit,” Paul offered.
“You forgot that most of your conversations will be by phone, so you won’t be able to see them,” Tom reminded us.
I had no idea and sat quietly while the others continued to think.
“Give up? Their lips are moving!” Tom said.
We all groaned.
“Here’s the second question: How can you tell one of our hiring manager clients is lying to you?”
Meekly, I offered my idea. “Their lips are moving?”
“That’s right!” said Tom. “Here’s the third question: How can someone tell a recruiter is lying to them?”
Before we could answer, Tom gleefully said, “Their lips are moving!”
With time, I grew to understand that everyone is posturing for advantage in the hiring process. You, as a job hunter, are…