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Asking for Directions | Career Angles
One of the great stereotypes of the 20th century was that men don’t ask for directions when they are lost. How many arguments occurred in the car between a couple, trying to figure out where the next turn was and he not been willing to pull into a gas station to ask the attendant?
One of the great stereotypes of the 20th century was that men don’t ask for directions when they are lost. How many arguments occurred in the car between a couple, trying to figure out where the next turn was and he not been willing to pull into a gas station to ask the attendant?
It must’ve been a woman who came up with the idea for GPS and, if not, certainly the GPS app on a mobile phone. How many relationships were saved with those inventions?
Difficulty asking for help is not unique to men. Women have the same problem, too. The fact is, both genders seem to find it preferable to figure things out on their own without help or assistance, even though it is harder, takes longer, and is often met with failures along the way.
We all know that asking for help from someone who actually knows what they are talking about is a useful, though underutilized shortcut. Why is it so damn hard to ask for help?
Great athletes will have coaches, whether they are on a team or individual sports. We all know that…